“Not enough can be said about Dr Greene’s abilities both as a surgeon and as a doctor; he radiates with compassion and understanding.”

I have experience as a family member of someone with profound hearing loss. My mother was unable to hear for the last 20 years of her life, and I saw for a long time how this affected her and those around her. She would often guess at what was being said, and I recall times when she became very hurt because she misunderstood someone; some of these hurt feelings she carried with her for years and she lived to be 100.

I also had hearing loss that became severe, very suddenly. I found myself not being a part of the conversation at family get-togethers and other social events. I am sure others in this situation can relate to the feelings of isolation. I was hesitant to get involved in discussions because I did not want to ask others to repeat what was said, knowing I still might not be able to understand. This was mentally and emotionally difficult for me. I have always been a very social person and have enjoyed volunteer work all my life. I am genuinely interested in others. Not being able to hear is not conducive to these things.

I discovered that I was becoming more and more dependent on others for things like making phone calls and communicating on the most basic levels. For example, ordering at a restaurant was difficult without the help of the person sitting next to me to tell me what the waiter/waitress was asking. I needed someone to accompany me to doctors’ appointments because I was not able to hear what was being said.

I think being witness to my mother’s experience with hearing loss is what made me determined to find a better way. I knew I wanted something different for myself, and even more so, for my family. So, when my ability to hear went from bad to worse, I sought the help of Dr. Scott Greene, one of the kindest, and most talented physicians I have had the pleasure of meeting. Not enough can be said about Dr Greene’s abilities both as a surgeon and as a doctor. He radiates with compassion and understanding.

After 30 years of severe hearing loss… on November 10, 2020, I had CI surgery.

Prior to receiving my implant, I spent time with Dr. Nada Hanna, the CI Audiologist, who helped assess my hearing loss and prepare me for what would be involved with learning to hear again after my implant was activated. She and Dr. Greene make an incredible team. She is exceptionally accomplished and clearly loves what she does. She is a joy to work with.

During our conversations, I recall asking Dr. Hanna what made her want to specialize in patients with Cochlear Implants. She told me a story of going to camp as a teen and being drawn to another girl who was sitting alone at a table. She approached her and started a conversation and the fellow camper indicated that she was deaf. They instantly became friends. Dr. Hanna learned sign language so she could communicate with her new friend. She recalls this being the beginning of her interest in helping those with hearing loss. She speaks of being “called” to her profession. It is easy to see why.

A few weeks after surgery, one month after my 84th birthday, Dr. Hanna activated my CI. Tears came to my eyes as she started to adjust the device. I could clearly hear beeps. Simple beeps. But I could hear them!

Better still, I shared that special moment with my own daughter. Imagine my reaction when the device was turned on and she asked, “Mom, can you hear me?” and I could hear her. Every word!